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"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf."


- Jon Kabat-Zinn

From the highest, non-dual perspective, peace and happiness are our true nature and can never be touched or lost. However from a human and personal perspective, this inner peace can feel very much covered up by painful events, unresolved trauma, blocked emotion, conditioning, limiting beliefs and chronic stress.

And this is where the vision and work of Essentially Peace comes in: I am here to support you to heal at the root, restore and cultivate inner peace and empower you! Because all humans have one thing in common:  The desire for inner peace.


Conscious Connected
Private and group sessions

Experience the transformative power of connected breathing.  An excellent technique for releasing stress, tension and blocked energy in the body and recharging yourself with new life force energy.


‘I would never have thought that just breathing could have such a powerful and liberating effect’" s one of the most frequent statements from people who experience this type of breathwork.


Good to know: Since many years, our team is one of the first in Switzerland to offer safe and trauma-sensitive spaces to experience this form of breathwork in a healing way. Come and embark on your transformative breathing journey! 

The MAP Coaching Method
Rewiring the brain. Guided by your innate wisdom.

This neuro-science based method uses the brain's capacity for neuroplasticity to reconsolidate and rewire long-term memories which are not advantageous to your happiness, inner peace and success. It has the potential to transform recurring patterns, fears and emotional pain down to the neurons.


Body-centred, trauma-sensitive and process-oriented

Are you going through challenging times? You don't have to do it alone - how about we walk together side by side for a while? In the past 16 years my specific approach and mix of different coaching & therapy modalities has helped many people to find support, clarity, their centre, solutions, deep transformation, new perspectives and  inner peace. These sessions are equally suitable if you are interested in personal and spiritual growth.

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Rise in Love Journey

12-week coaching program

This program is designed for women who are single and wish to align with their ideal partner to create a harmonious lasting relationship.

Sanctuary of Light & Breath

A new group will begin in autumn 2025. 

Registration is open now!


(Workshop will be held in German language)

Viele von euch werden mir zustimmen, dass wir als Menschenfamilie gerade durch herausfordernde, transformierende Zeiten gehen. In solchen Zeiten ist es besonders wichtig, Menschen, Orte und Werkzeuge zu haben, die uns mit dem Licht und unserer inneren Wahrheit verbunden halten und uns mit Freude und Lebendigkeit erfüllen! 


Das Sanctuary of Light & Breath ist ein solcher Ort, an dem du dich regelmässig mit der gleichen Gruppe von Menschen triffst um Breathwork zu praktizieren.

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